Smith, Andrew
Smith, Andrew
1797-1872; Arzt; Zoologe; Forschungsreisender
Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith Sir
Smith, Andrew (Zoologe) 117634204
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Arzt, Faktenblatt ( berc)
Zoologe, Faktenblatt ( beru)
Forschungsreisender, Faktenblatt ( beru)
1836 Report of the expedition for exploring Central Africa from the Cape of Good Hope, June 23, 1834
1849 Smith, Andrew: Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa; consisting chiefly of figure*
1955 Kirby, P. R.: Andrew Smith and Natal
1975 Andrew Smith's Journal of his expedition into the interior of South Africa 1834-36
Smith, Andrew: Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa. - 1838 - 1849
Brit. Zoologe u. Chirurg; Sir; Marinearzt; Forschungsreisender
21.07.2022 ( 17:54:57.000)