Pole Poppenspäler


Work, object, collection


Pole Poppenspäler

Storm, Theodor

1874; Novelle

Relations view

First Author (aut1)First AuthorFirst AuthorForm (mo_form)FormFormBroader term (partitive) (obpa)Broader term (partitive)Broader term (partitive)(Non-reciprocically related term) (rela)(Non-reciprocically related term)(Non-reciprocically related term)(Non-reciprocically related term) (rela)(Non-reciprocically related term)(Non-reciprocically related term)Literary source (vorl)Literary sourceLiterary sourceLiterary source (vorl)Literary sourceLiterary sourcePerson
Storm, Theodor
Work, object, collection
Deutsche Jugend (Zeitschrift, Leipzig)
Work, object, collection
Die @Vagabunden
Subject heading
Work, object, collection
26 Works
Work, object, collection
Wilhelm Meister
Work, object, collection
26 Works
Work, object, collection
Pole Poppenspäler

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