Borsley, Robert D.
Individual person(piz)
Borsley, Robert D.
1949-; Linguist
- Preferred name:
Forename Robert D. Surname Borsley
Variant names:Forename Robert Surname Borsley
Forename R. D. Surname Borsley
Former preferred name:Old preferred form Borsley, Robert D. Old authority number 121456269
Old preferred form Borsley, Robert D. Old authority number 171985362
Linguist, Factsheet (Relation berc)
GND-URI (Nicht mehr gültige URI
Other identifiers:PPN 121456269
Old identifiers:Old authority number 171985362
Old authority number 171985362 (Remarks zg)
Old authority number 121456269 (Remarks zg)
Year 1987 Title Subjects and complements in HPSG
Year 1991 Title His Syntactic theory
Year 1996 Title Modern phrase structure grammar
Year 1996 Title The syntax of the Celtic languages
Lect., Sch. of Eng. and Ling., Univ. of Wales, Bangor
04/07/2022 (Time 13:51:26)